It's been a good day
Today I had a tutorial with Sue, it went super well. I was pleased with my result and feel that it gave me a good boost of confidence to enter this new term with. I have been sick for quite a while and am only starting to feel better now. I didn't do any work over the holidays (as you can tell from no posts) and have been feeling very demotivated so far. I think there have been a few reasons for this, one is the fact that I had been focusing on the quite academic 'Concept Development' until now, working mostly on the computer, and now I need to get into a more creative, tactile mode. I need to print out all my inspiration and stick it up so I can see it clearly and work directly from it. I shall also start working in a sketchbook to help me be more creative and experimental.
This mental block with regards to the more creative aspect of this project was starting to make me question myself. I felt very negatively about my abilities to complete this project to a standard that I wanted to, however today's events have made me realise that I was just worrying and need to focus on more important and realistic things and just do, rather than think.
I am off to the Leicester Space Centre tomorrow to look at some RAF suits that they used in the 60's & 70's for altitude testing. I'm really hopeful that this trip will give me fresh inspiration for details, design lines etc. and will encourage my designing greatly.
I think I am back on track now after my sickness during the holidays and am ready for the next 5 months of hell!
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