Friday, October 29, 2010

Leather, leather, leather.....

Leather, leather, leather......

Just went to Alma and Walter Reginald's today, was good to go and see all they had in stock and it was good to get an idea of what materials I'd like to use. I wanted ones with texture and a little bit futuristic looking with trying to stay away from metallics, I think that would be too obvious. I did think though that I maybe need to seriously consider the colour pallet now and the mix of textures. I don't want my shoe to look stupidly sci-fi looking, it's a luxury brand and needs to reflect that.
I feel like I have a good working attitude, but I do need to focus a little more. I need to make lists and set proper targets and keep to them. It will be the only way to ensure that I get all the work complete in good time, rather than having to rush anything. I think I need to up my productivity.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fashion Careers Clinic, JPS

Went to the two lectures from the Fashion Careers Clinic today. The FBRS are great, it's so helpful that they organise these talks for students, it's a shame more people didn't go, I hope they still keep doing them cause they are pretty useful. 

Todays lecture was really helpful to think realistically about the prospects of a job when I leave uni. It's easy to be in a little bit of a bubble at uni, but it was good to talk about different roles that I could possibly fill when I leave, as my main objective is to start working.

It also just added to my workload though, as it made me realise that it's important to be ahead of the game and be applying quite soon after Christmas as some companies start to look for Graduates as early as Jan/Feb.

Another thing to factor into my work plan! Registered with LinkedIn when I got back to get started.

LD Tuttle Videos

Tut, Tuttle.......

Here are two of LD Tuttle's videos for her collections. They are so nice. I wanna make a video for my website [when I get it done]. I really think that a video is a really good way to express the mood of a collection, in addition to the lookbook and other marketing material.

LD Tuttle A/W '09

LD Tuttle Fall 2010

This ones a little odd, I kinda like the audio track. The odd buzzy noise reminds me of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
In the beginning there was light.....

This concept board was for my Research Planning assignment, just a rough idea of where I'm drawing my inspiration from. The new Tron Legacy movie is coming out on the 26th of December which has some really cool visuals. I watched the old one for inspiration, along with A.I. and 2001: A Space Odyssey. These movies all have such strong visuals, I just love sci-fi movies for that reason.

I love the whole idea of light in art, life and fashion. I really wanna try and make some shoes with lights. It's gonna be hard but I have to try. Architecture is also a great source of inspiration and the Melbourne Recital Centre is an amazing building created by Ashton Raggatt McDougall. It has some sort of light structure intertwined with the structure. It's so amazing!

So basically my inspiration for the project is sci-fi, the future, technology, architecture and far.

Initial Concept Board